The Society has a large collection of genealogy books available to members and the public at the Salem Public Library. The collection includes Genealogy and history books, periodicals, microfilm, microfiche, CDs and maps. There are also computers devoted to genealogical research and accessing the large collection of CD Databases as well as internet resources such as Volunteers are available to assist researchers; see the 'About Us' page for the volunteer availability schedule. The Society also assists with research for a fee.
Submit an electronic request form. You may use this form to submit information/research requests to the Willamette Valley Genealogical Society or to inquire about genealogy or Oregon history research services.
We are pleased to assist you with your research needs including obituaries, newspaper articles, birth, marriage and death records, etc.
If the search is successful, the fee for non-members is $10 per document, or 3 documents for $20. The fee for WVGS members is $5 per document or 3 for $10.
If the research requires a trip to the Oregon State Archives, Marion County Clerk's Office, or other sites, the fee is $10 per document for non-members, and $5 per document for WVGS members; there is no 3 document discount.
The fee includes postage for documents up to 5 pages; if over 5 pages there will be a charge for postage and handling. There is also an additional 10 cent per page charge for documents over 10 pages.
Please contact us before sending in a payment, and be sure to review the WVGS Research policy for full details.