Salem Saturday Market - July 20
   Stop by and see us at Salem's Saturday Market, 865 Marion St NE, on July 20th. Our booth will be staffed with volunteers to help you get acquainted with genealogy, research options, and the features and benefits of WVGS membership.
WVGS Executive Board Meeting:
Thursday, August 8th, 2024
 11:30 am to 1:00 pm 

Veterans of Foreign Wars Building
630 Hood St NE
Salem, Oregon
(Use the parking lot across the street)

Members are welcome to attend.
WVGS August General Meeting:
Saturday, August 10th, 2024
Salem Public Library
Collaboration Room (Lower Level)
585 Liberty St. SE
Salem, Oregon

10:30 am – 11:00 am   The General Membership Meeting.
      A meeting will be held to conduct society business.
      There is also an open discusion period prior to the program.

12:00 am – 1:00pm
      Program:  “Breaking Through Brick Walls"
      Speaker:  Liz Tice, Tony Hoff & Kerry Wymetalek
Liz, Tony & Kerry will discuss examples of research road-blocks and how they were overcome so the audience can see some of the available tools and how they can be applied. Members will also be encouraged to share the research obstacles they face, and what steps they have taken to get through them. This presentation will demonstrate the value of shared experiences, and a “Never give up” attitude.

       Our programs are always open to the public.
Upcoming 2024 General Meeting Programs:
  Do you have suggestions for a program? Let Kerry Wymetalek know!
Autosomal DNA Q&A with Denise Sproed
By Appointment Only
     Salem Public Library
     The WVGS Desk (Main Level, Southeast)
     585 Liberty St. SE
     Salem, Oregon
Go to the 'Research' page to submit an appointment request.